ACS Asphalt : Asphalt Paving, Parking Lot Sealcoating, Parking lot Striping, Parking Lot Maintenance and Concrete Repair Services.
parking Lot Sealcoating
Parking Lot Repair
Parking Lot Striping
Asphalt Sealcoating

Parking Lot Sealcoating:
Retail Centers, Church's, Banks,Fast Food. Maintenance of Asphalt is a real concern for owners and managers of business's with a high traffic flow. Neglecting repair and maintenance of Asphalt Parking Lots will have an impact on your bottom line.
One of the most sensible investments is Asphalt Sealcoating it protects and extends the life of your Asphalt.
Driveway Sealcoating

Parking Lot Repair :
Asphalt and Concrete surfaces should be inspected at a minimum of twice per year and corrective repairs performed on a annual basis. In the span of two years neglecting simple maintenance service can lead to costly corrective repairs. Preventitive solutions will help to extend the life of your concrete and reduce replacement costs
Asphalt and Concrete Repair

Parking Lot Striping
Parking Lot Striping we provide ADA compliant services keeping your site up to date with regulations.We can provide line Stripe painting as well as Thermo Plastic installations.
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Parking Lot Sealcoating

ACS sealcoating finished spray coat application

Typical parking lot condition of asphalt needing a sealcoating application and striping. The pavement does not yet have any serious damage. Crack Sealing and Sealcoating will make this Kansas City Parking Lot look new again.

Parking Lott Striping Services

ACS Sealcoating tank trailer mount
ACS Asphalt Sealcoating Why Sealcoating ? … best answer is it saves you money. How does it save you money, well first of all it helps to preserve the original characteristics of the asphalt in the parking lot. Fresh asphalt is able to bend and flex. Over time the natural elements sun, wind and water take their toll on the asphalt, it dries and becomes brittle primarily due to oxidation. As the breakdown of the asphalt continues it will no longer support the weight and volume of traffic or slight shifting due to heating and contraction of the asphalt and then the cracks will appear in your parking lot or for the home owner your driveway.
In a simple comparison Asphalt Sealcoating could be compared to waxing of an automobile. What happens when you neglect that new car finish it oxidizes, the wax coating acts as a protectant same with Sealcoating on your Asphalt Parking Lot or Driveway. The sealcoating retards the oxidation effects of the sun and helps to prevent water from entering into the asphalt thru sometimes, even small cracks. Water and erosion are severe factors when considering the damage and cost of repairs that when left unattended they will cause.
Also to be considered a benefit of Sealcoating the Asphalt Parking Lot, is the texture obtained from applying commercial grade sealcoating products with the addition of sand. The added sand will increase the fill-able characteristics of the sealcoating as well
as offer a more non slip surface for the properties patrons.
An additional benefit of Asphalt Sealcoating is the aesthetic appearance of a well maintained Parking Lot the crisp black color accented by the sharp white or yellow stripes with a few blue ADA compliant stencils and your Asphalt Parking Lot is looking new again, all from only Sealcoating and preserving your Parking Lot.
How do I know if Sealcoating will be beneficial for my property ? ....there is really only one scenario where you will not benefit from Sealcoating your Parking Lot. When either the previous owners or possibly management have neglected the asphalt maintenance requirements to the point where resurfacing is required. Now instead of nickels and dimes you are looking at dollars, large dollars.
If this is the case or even if corrective repairs will surfice there is a substantial cost ahead of you that should have been, could have been better managed all with Simple Asphalt Sealcoating.
When should Sealcoating be applied ?...... The outcome of a Quality Sealcoating Application is based on several factors; weather conditions are an important consideration .The ideal conditions for applying Asphalt Sealcoating are a warm, sunny day with low humidity. Humidity and cool weather will delay the curing time and cause the sealcoating to cure slower, risking longer delays in re-opening a Parking Lot or exposing it to overnight motor vehicle traffic damage. There are additives available to expedite the curing time of the sealcoating material and these are often used in a high traffic parking lot.
Sealcoating National Pricing
ACS Sealcoating works with local manufactures of the industries best performing sealcoatng products.

Pitch Black® Asphalt Sealant
Pitch Black® is a custom rubberized asphalt emulsion blended with select minerals, polymers and chemicals to produce the finest product. Each additive was selected for its characteristics that ultimately produce a sealcoat with the deepest and longest lasting color, firmest body, and greatest durability. It is extraordinarily tough, flexible and water repellent.

Mac Pro Blend contains hot-blended rubber and specialty chemicals that greatly improve the product’s toughness, durability and flexibility – without the need for other additives. It stands between the pavement and the elements while sealing in the pavement’s strength and resilience. It prolongs the useful life of the original pavement by keeping the surface intact, flexible, and alive.
Asphalt Parking Lot Repair

Parking Lot Repair mill and overlay Kansas City. One of several options for repairing asphalt parking lots is milling the surface and adding overlay asphalt and compacting.

Parking Lot Repair this is a saw cut,removal repair. The damage is cut out and removed. A tack coat is applied then HOT MIX Asphalt is used to level the cut out.

Parking Lot Repair often times requires asphalt crack repairs. ACS Asphalt uses a Hot Melt application in Kansas City.

Parking Lot Repair shown is compacting the loose base after asphalt damage was cut out in Kansas City

This Parking Lot required very little in corrective repairs, the reason ...preventative maintenance.
ACS Asphalt Parking Lot Repair and Maintenance Services. The purpose of Asphalt Maintenance is to extend the life of your Parking Lot and or Driveway. Our services offer preventative maintenance solutions, which are performed while the Asphalt Parking Lot is still in good condition, before the Parking Lot falls into a condition where an Asphalt overlay or major corrective repairs and or replacement is necessary. '
Todays budget constraints require that property managers and owners must take care of more with less capital costs. The maintaining and preserving of an Asphalt Parking Lot is certainly a target for savings. In accomplishing this we need to shift the focus from reactive to proactive.
The goal is to reduce the need for corrective and emergency Parking Lot Repair. This is accomplished with sound preventative solutions. Preventative asphalt maintenance is the most cost effective way to over all reduce the cost of parking lot repair.
A preventive maintenance program requires only a simple approach, common sense primarily, if you neglect the Parking Lot Repairs it will cost you money . The goal of a preventative service is to extend pavement life, it is that simple. Several studies show that preventive maintenance is six to ten times more cost-effective than a “do nothing” maintenance strategy. Benefits of pavement preservation include improved customer service and substantial life cycle cost savings; treatments are especially cost-effective when applied early in the life of a pavement.
Waiting until after a failure occurs is not cost-effective,...... how ever it does occur frequently.
The most common failure of an Asphalt Parking Lot is cracking, secondly would be weathering caused by exposure to the elements. In determining the actual cause of Parking Lot failure we need to identify the cause's, if the faults are found to be caused by the base aggregate, most likely the Asphalt Parking Lot or Driveway, although a preventative maintenance program may be beneficial in reducing further immediate damage, the actual corrective action may require reconstruction of the base and a new overlay.
ACS Asphalt Kansas City Parking Lot Repair services include: Asphalt Crack Repair, including rout and seal, crack filling, full depth crack repair, seal coating, asphalt milling, thin hot mix overlays, pothole and parking lot patching.
Parking Lot Crack Repair : ' Crack repair with /sealing. A crack sealing method designed to prevent water from entering a crack, A Parking Lot that has surface cracks that are left unrepaired over the course of a melt freeze cycle can lead to significant damage. Service includes routing and cleaning using a hot air lance or compressed air to blow out the debris in the crack and widening to better retain sealant. This type of Parking Lot repair wiil generally last upto 3 years .
Hot Melt Crack Repair is very effective at prolonging the life of the Parking Lot and is a must do type of repair. Next in line is corrective Asphalt Parking Lot Repairs. This is when you start to feel the cost for neglecting your Asphalt Parking Lot...sorry it is the honest answer.
First the cause of the damaged asphalt needs to be determined, is it a base failure due to overwatering the flower beds where there is no drainage except to continuosly run under the curb and erode the asphalt or maybe it is due to neglecting the sealing of the afore mentioned cracks or it could be the base has shifted. Depending on the age of the parking lot and the volume stress load it could be just plain old fatigue. If your Parking Lot is under 3 years of age and has multiple stress cracks, you may have to accept that either due to poor compaction, incorrect base aggregate, or mother nature shifting things around, you will most likely continue to have problems.

ACS Asphalt repair and maintenance.We provides preventative and corrective solutions for asphalt and concrete in Kansas City
Services Offered: Asphalt Sealcoating Commercial, Asphalt Sealcoating Residential, Driveway Sealcoating Commercial , Driveway Sealcoating,Residential,Parking Lot Repair, Hot Crack Fill Applications,Driveway Repair,Asphalt Recycling, Hot Asphalt Pot Hole Repairs,Parking Lot Striping, Asphalt Milling Overlay, Asphalt Repair.